Bill Gatesspoke of his relationship with Apple founder Steve Jobs.
He said: 'For some periods we were complete allies working together - I wrote the original software on Apple 2.他说:“有一段时间,我们在一起工作,是彼此最坚实的盟友。那时我正在为苹果2编写原始程序。”
'Sometimes he would be tough on you, sometimes he would be very encouraging. And he got really great work out of people.'“他有时对你要求严苛,有时又会给人鼓励。他可以把人的潜能极大地激发出来。”
Talking about when he saw Jobs a few months before he died in 2011, Gates said: 'In the early years the intensity had always been about the project, and so when Steve got sick it was far more mellow in terms of talking about our lives and our kids.盖茨谈到与乔布斯最后一次会面是在2011年他去世前几个月,盖茨说:“早些年,我们的谈话内容主要是关于产品项目,但当乔布斯生病后,我们的谈话内容就轻松很多,更多是在谈论生活和孩子。
He and I gave a joint interview together and I talked about how I envied his incredible design skills. Steve was an incredible genius and I was more of an engineer than he was.有一次我们一起参加了一个访谈节目,我谈到我十分羡慕他惊人的设计能力。史蒂夫是一个绝妙的天才,和他相比,我只能算是一个工程师。
'It was fun that it was more of a friendship that reflective, although tragically then he couldn't overcome the cancer and died.'“很有趣,我们的关系更像朋友,但悲剧的是,乔布斯没能战胜癌症,最后离开人世。”
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